Welcome to Hanham Tennis Club

We provide a clean, safe and very welcoming Tennis venue to the community and our goal is to allow people to learn and develop their Tennis skills, to socialise and gain new friendships

ALL individual Court use is required to be booked - please see our Court Times for details for court booking availability (for members only) - organised Club Play, Junior Squad and Adult Group Coaching are pre-booked

 UPDATE 2025: Junior Squad sessions - are running and we can sign up NEW Juniors. We have Juniors Squad Sessions Monday to Friday after school in school term times plus Saturday morning drop in sessions - see "Whats New"

UPDATE 2025: Adults coaching sessions - if you are new or coming back to Tennis then we have an Adults "Beginners session" Wednesdays 7.00pm to 8.00pm - see "Whats New"

Massive congratulations to two of our Junior girls;  

Izzie Britton on firstly winning the LTA Junior U12 National Winter Tour event and the National Fred Perry Girls U12 Championships  and making the semi-finals in the 14U International event at The Wimbledon Championships 2022
Olivia Adamska at the 2022 Avon County Championships (12U girls singles Winner,  12U girls doubles Winner, 14U girls doubles Runner-up and 14U girls singles semi finalist!)

What fantastic young people we have in our club!

Hanham Tennis Club "Lets Play Tennis" Fun Day 2018 - more photos here

The 2024-25 Season winter season is now with us and after all the winters rain perhaps it's time to dust off that racket and clean those trainers ... so lets play Tennis!!  

To encourage more participation in this great game we love,  we are inviting new players to join our friendly tennis club ... so for adults you can come along and try us out on a Club Night, Afternoon or Morning - as a Guest -  it's only £3 for the session.

We have two Adult Club Nights from 7pm - 10pm on each Tuesday and Thursday evenings plus Adult Club Saturday or Sunday afternoons 2pm to 5pm for all Adult members (all the above sessions are ladies and men's mixed play - and you need to be able to rally and serve - check Calendar for details). 

We also run 3 Adult Mornings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am to 11.30am (ladies and men's mixed) - there is no minimum playing standard.

These sessions are great fun and an opportunity to meet club members  and improve your tennis - playing a mix of men's, ladies and mixed doubles and also singles sets.

For those who like to play more competitively, we also have Ladies, Men's and Mixed Avon LTA League Teams playing throughout all of the year on either Friday evenings or Sunday mornings.

Our Juniors section is thriving with 2 LTA qualified coaches running Squad sessions for all ages 5-16 years old - these are held 4pm - 7pm weekdays (in term times) and there is a Juniors drop in Taster sessions 9am-12noon on Saturdays to try out tennis. See here for details.

We have a fully qualified LTA coach - Head coach Neil Britton providing coaching on for the Juniors and Wednesday evenings for adults starters and improvers see here for details

All members are then also free to play as much tennis with other members as they want outside of these set club play times above, you are given a key code to the courts on joining (7am to 10pm Adults and 7am to "dusk" for our Juniors). 

See Court Times for court availability each week.

For other information about joining see our "How to join" page or contact our Chairman, Rob James at HanhamTennisClub@outlook.com or on 07972079414  - or any of the committee members listed on the "Contacts" page.        

A very warm welcome awaits you.

Christmas Meal with a "whoDunnit" Murder Mystery - more "photos" here

Junior  Extra Squad Sessions now available after school 4pm to 7pm Monday to Friday.

Also Saturday morning "Drop in" taster sessions for all Juniors 9am-12 noon
See  "Whats New" for details.

Adult coaching for club players - from 7.00pm to 8.00pm each Wednesday - see  "Whats New" for details.

Our fully Qualified Level 3 LTA registered Head coach Neil Britton has a comprehensive program of Adult and Junior coaching schemes and also 1:1 sessions see  "Whats New" for details.



Coach LTA Accreditations;

Neil Britton:   See details here

Your Data Protection rights (GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018) are important to you and to us - to find out more about the type of data we hold and your rights to examine it and to have it removed can be found on our Club Rules page 

Quiz Night - "The Brain Teaser"

Our popular Annual Quiz night is back
Saturday 16th March 2024
7:15pm - for a 7:30pm start 
Wessex Suite - Hanham Community Centre

Last year was a brilliant evening with our fantastic Quiz Master Giles providing some amazing brain tasers and hosting proceedings - we made over £330 for club funds with over 60 players !

There is also a raffle, Heads n Tails and some great prizes, light refreshments and a fully licenced bar.

Entrance fee (pay on the night) £3/player with teams of up to 6 players. 
Bring your friends and family - and if you don't have a team just come along and we will fit you into one.

Members - lease bring along prizes to donate to  the raffle

Quiz Night winners Team "Brabazon" - Well done !

Quiz Night Teams
Fun in the Park Open Day

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